A beautiful mask 🎭

Oh you looked so beautiful yesterday! Yes, when you walked in,  I couldn’t recognize you! I thought you were some one’s friend. Until I saw PC talked to you. Those were the compliments that I received from the aunties from church, as they escorted me (left and right) into the hall. Their compliments are kind […]


刚开始听志玲姐的演讲时,会被她的娃娃音弄得很不自在。因为,在我心目中,大多数用娃娃音说话的女生,有点假假或做作。但是,当你专心的聆听她所说的内容,你会发现有很多可向她学习的智慧和如何活出一个美丽,开心的人生。 把声音放小,把事做好 用温和的力量去改变,不要用愤怒的力量来遗憾 在没一次的挫折中,展开自己的花朵