Dragonflies day

Today we visited an old park known for some dragonflies. However, I decided to venture deeper into the park this time. Thankfully I did, because we’re able to find more dragonflies with colors like maroon, purple dancing on the small man-made streams! It was a long night for us yesterday, but I’m thankful to experience […]

One thing checked on my long list of ‘To do’

1st row, from left: shooting arena in Hawaii, 21st birthday celebration, my baptism 2nd row, from left: Malaysian student association Otago gala dinner, CNY 2015, gramps birthday celebration, GTF girls, great wall of China 2014, 3rd row, from left: PD 2017, Taiwan photo shoot 2013, Sitigun penang 2016 4th row, from left: ipoh 2017, Otago, […]


今天家里被制水了,结果没的洗澡或煮饭,为有到泳池旁的小餐馆吃。服务员把茶水送到后,就等着食物。一边等,一边看着泳池宁静的水,让我回想起以前热爱游泳的我。 小时候的我,都会很期待着周末的到来。因为除了有游泳班,课完了,还可以在泳池戏水。长大了,功课多了,准备考试也成了妈妈常拒绝带我们去泳池的理由。自然而然,也对游泳少了兴趣。但是,现在的我每次看见泳池,心里都会痒痒的,很想跳进池里! 除此以外,我还曼喜欢待在水里的那种宁静。进到水里,周围的杂声就会被水盖掉。你只会听见泳池的水细细的流。好象这世界只剩下你一人。加上水里的地心应力减少了,让你有种在水里漂的感觉。真的很棒~~!